Monday, February 01, 2010

Quiz Stars

On Sunday the 31st of January me, Niamh, Sam, Elliott and Darren went to the Raheen Woods for the Credit Union Quiz. We were table number 10. There was 10 rounds for the Under 11's and 12 rounds for the Under 13's. There was 11 teams in the Under
11's catergory. There was 6 questions in each round. We came third, Scoil Craoi Naoife came seond and Athenry Boys School came first. We got 44 questions right out of 60. We each got €5 euro each for taking part, €30 euro for coming third and everyone got sweets, crisps, bars and drinks. The winners got to go on to the chapter level. We all had a great day!

By Laoise Collins.
