By Brendan and Graham.
By Tomas Feeney.
By Cathal R
This was my favourite part of the trip because we got to make our own fish of the future and gave them names. I called mine Sharkahogapien this was a cross between a shark, a hedgehog and a scorpian!
By Ian M
We were making boats to see whose boat could hold the most passengers without sinking in the water. My boat held about 16 passengers. Stephen's boat held the most coins -these represented passengers. It held 27 coins (passengers). The bucket of water was the sea!
By Megan M
Here is a picture of us in the classroom making boats out of marla to see how many passengers it would carry.
This is a picture of me and Megan Mcdonagh doing an experiment. We tested how cold water sits on hot water. We found out that the hot water came up into the cold water!
By Megan Waldron
In this picture Norin got alka seltzer and added water. She put it in a tube, she shook it and it exploded like a rocket!
By Ian O' Shea
NoirĂn brought us to some computers that had microscopes beside them. We put objects that can be found in the sea under the microscope and it came up on the computer! We could also take pictures and video tapes and it showed up on the computer!
By Aoife
We got to see things under a microscope. Robert turned Ian maloney's thumb into a monster. We got to see things things up close and see the details on shells.
By Brendan and Robert
Here is a submarine.We were allowed to go in it and look around.
By Cathal Regan and Shane Kindregan.
Everyone liked looking at this tank. All my freinds are here.
By Cathal Regan and Shane Kindregan.
This is a turbot.It is like a flat fish. It was in a tank with rays and plaice. There were some small turbots in the tank too. It was the fourth tank we saw.
By Jason and Brendan.
By Claudia Buckley
This picture has me and Nathan in it.It is in front of a tank that has a shark in it!The shark looked like a great white!
By Brendan
Here is the big tank were we got to feed the fish and we got to touch them. One of the fish had to be hand fed because it had hurt its chin!
By Megan Waldron
This was my favourite part of the trip. We were allowed to hold the starfish!
By Nathan Duffy.
I saw a Fin Whale's eye. It was kept in a jar of special liquid to keep it from rotting. This whale was found in Co. Clare.
By Graham Duffy
This is where Brian gave me the food for the fish and I got to feed the fish! It was cool feeding the fish. I had a fantastic day!
By Cathal T
When we went to see these fish we got to feed the fish with bread and it was really fun!
When we were feeding them we got to feel their skin and it was so silky and smooth
I have never seen a more caring Aquarium my life!
I had a great time and I will never forget it
By Clodagh Rabbitte
This is next to the first tank we went to. Every thirty seconds it splashes water to make waves!
By Andrea
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